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Union Steel Minister calls for Creation of an Ecosystem for Coal Gasification and Development of Indigenous Technology; Deliberates with Stakeholders for promoting Coal Gasification

The Union Steel Minister, Shri Ram Chandra Prasad Singh chaired a meeting here today with the stakeholders from the steel industry, consultancy providers and CSIR- Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR) along with officials of Steel Ministry to deliberate on the prospects of using coal gasification in steel production through the Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) route.

The Steel Minister emphasised the need for development of indigenous coal gasification technology which is suited for the indigenously produced coal. Shri Singh urged the stakeholders to come together in development of the technology which can be gainfully utilised by the steel industry and help in reducing the dependence of imported coal and promote “Atmanirbhar Bharat”.

Discussions were held on the present scenario and the way forward for promoting coal gasification in the steel sector. Various Coal Gasification Technologies commercially available, their pros & cons, and their suitability for Indian high-ash noncoking coal were discussed. Development of Indigenous Technology for coal gasification alongwith technologies for recovery of the by-products for applications in the various sectors such as chemicals, fuels, fertilisers etc. were also discussed. Cost analysis of coal gas vis-à-vis the natural gas and issues & constraints for adoption of Coal Gasification based DRI plants in the country were also deliberated. Government interventions required to address the issues & constrains and the way forward for adoption of Coal Gasification based DRI plants in the country was also discussed.

The Steel Minister directed that to facilitate creation of an ecosystem for coal gasification and development of indigenous technology a Committee with members of the concerned Ministries viz. Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas along with the stakeholders from the steel industry, consultancy providers, research laboratories CSIR-CIMFR, technology providers etc. be constituted.