OIL showcases sucker rod pumps to school students

Oil India Limited (OIL), a state-owned oil and natural gas exploration and production company, organized a study on sucker rod pumps for school students at one of its establishments in Duliajan today as part of the Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Organized tour.
The company’s production engineers explained to the students about the functions and nuances of rod pumps. Engineers explained to the students the artificial lift technology in a well that provides mechanical energy to move oil from the bottom to the surface. Students were told how efficient, simple and easy the technology is for people working in this field to operate, and it can be used to pump wells at very low bottom-hole pressures to maximize oil production rates .
About 25 students from nearby schools visited the site and were delighted to learn about the rod pump and its function in hydrocarbon production process.