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Uttar Pradesh / Jhansi : Grand welcome of cycle rally under Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi

Under the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi, a cycle rally from Bhopal to Delhi was started by Sashastra Seema Bal Academy Bhopal from September 19, which will end on October 2, 2021 at the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi in Delhi. Sashastra Seema Bal is India’s Azadi Amrit Mahotsav to bring awareness among people by taking out ten rallies across India. In this connection, after traveling about 900 km from the Armed Forces Bhopal Academy, reaching Delhi on the 1st and the samadhi of Bapu on the 2nd, this rally will culminate.

As soon as the Armed Forces Academy’s Cycle Rally entered the city, the soldiers and officers involved in the rally were accorded a grand welcome by BJP officials and citizens with grand flower garlands. Inspector General Rajendra Bhumla, who is leading the cycle rally, said that this rally was organized with the aim of creating awareness along with the slogan of independence, to inculcate the spirit of patriotism. The participation of freedom in this message is to reach the people, the freedom that has been given has to be saved.