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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Information about law given to students in legal literacy and awareness program

A legal literacy and awareness program was organized by the District Legal Services Authority at Pandit Purnanand Tiwari Law College. As the chief guest in the program, special information about law was given to the students of LLB and BA LLB by Civil Judge Senior Division Abhay Singh, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority. In which mainly the establishment of District Legal Services Authority, working powers and various provisions were made aware to the students, as well as the formation of Permanent Lok Adalat and its functions were also given in detail. Make the students aware of the specifics of how various legal provisions are implemented. College Manager Kamal Sharma while giving blessings to the students said that the students will play the role of good advocate and judge in future keeping in mind their duty towards the society. Principal Ashok Kumar Tiwari while expressing gratitude to the District Legal Services Authority for organizing the camp said that knowledge of law is very important for the society and for the development of the society. Therefore everyone should have knowledge of the nuances of law. Students will definitely benefit from legal literacy and awareness programme. During this Raman Saini Advocate and college teachers Sheetal Chauhan, Divyansha Bharadwaj, Aditi, Rohini etc. were present.