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Rahul Gandhi living in misunderstanding, BJP will be a big player for the next several decades : Prashant Kishor bluntly

The BJP is going to dominate Indian politics for the next several decades and it is Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s fault to wait for the end of the Modi era… says election strategist Prashant Kishor. Prashanti Kishor was recently on a tour of Goa, where he clearly stated that he believes that he will have to fight the BJP for the next several decades. Prashant Kishor is currently working behind the scenes for Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee.

Kishor had announced that he was not working with Mamata Banerjee after the TMC won the Bengal assembly elections held earlier this year. However, there were also reports that Prashant Kishor can join the Congress, but after several rounds of talks, now Prashant Kishor is working with TMC once again. Before the upcoming assembly elections, he has also reached Goa in search of TMC land.

Along with predicting BJP’s dominance for decades, Prashant Kishor also took a dig at Rahul Gandhi, saying he is probably under some illusion that BJP is going to stay in power only till the Modi wave.

Prashant Kishor said during an event in Goa’s museum, ‘BJP may win or lose, but it will remain at the center of Indian politics. Just like the 40 years of Congress. BJP is not going anywhere. Once you get 30 per cent votes in India, you are not going anywhere so soon. So never fall into this maze that people are getting angry and they will overthrow Modi. People may remove Modi, but BJP is still not going anywhere. You will have to face BJP for the next several decades.

‘Rahul is not understanding Modi’s power’
Prashant Kishor did not stop here, he further said, ‘This is the problem with Rahul Gandhi. Presumably, he thinks it is only a matter of time until the people oust Modi from power. It’s not going to happen.’ Prashant Kishor said, ‘Unless you understand Modi’s strength and accept his strength, you will not be able to face him. The problem I see is that people are not giving much time to understand the forces of Modi, they are not understanding how Modi is becoming so popular. If you know this, then only you will be able to face them.’

‘Congressmen waiting for Modi to withdraw’
On how the Congress party sees the future of BJP and Narendra Modi, Kishor said, “You go to any Congress leader, they will tell you that it is a matter of time, people are getting fed up, anti-incumbency wave.” Will come and people will remove Modi. I doubt it, it is not going to happen.’ Prashant Kishor also gave an example of how the Modi government increased the prices of petrol and diesel so much and there was no major public outrage against them.

‘Vote division is the reason for the fall of Congress’
Prashant Kishor also pointed out the division of voters in the country. “If you look at the level of voters, it is a fight between one third and two thirds. Only one third of the people are voting for BJP or want to support BJP. The problem is that two-thirds is divided between 10, 12 or 15 political parties and this is the main reason for the decline of the Congress. 65 per cent voters are divided, so Congress is coming down.