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Uttarakhand : Amit Shah discussed over lunch, invited Maharaj, Bahuguna and Harak Singh Rawat from home

On Saturday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s meetings of state officials and core group had to be postponed due to more time in the program and public meeting of the cooperative department and due to health reasons. On the request of the organization, he reached the state party office, where he spent about 40 minutes. He also took photographs with the party office bearers with great ease.

Shah had to postpone the meeting due to health reasons
Shah was to go to the IRDT auditorium at Survey Chowk after the public meeting. There was a meeting with the state officials and public representatives. But Shah had to postpone the meeting due to health reasons. After this he had to sit with the core group. This meeting was also postponed.

Shah, who looked very tough in mood, appeared in a different avatar on Saturday. Food was arranged in the party office. Shah reached the party office. Food was served at his table. But Shah’s eyes were looking for some prominent leaders. He asked Congress State General Secretary Kuldeep Kumar and Cooperation Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat where are former Chief Ministers Tirath Singh, Vijay Bahuguna, Satpal Maharaj and Harak Singh Rawat. He immediately instructed everyone to call the party office.

Both the leaders called and requested everyone to reach the party office. All the leaders reached the party office one by one. Shah did not eat until they all arrived. After their arrival, Shah made the food hot and then took it. During this, he also discussed with cabinet ministers Satpal Maharaj, Harak Singh Rawat and Umesh Kau at the food table. He met Bahuguna.

During this, he also asked the district presidents and state officials who came for the meeting to call the party office. They all reached there. During this, he took a photo with Shah. A tough-tempered Shah was in a different mood today. He looked quite comfortable while posing with the workers.

Discussions on Shah’s Lunch Diplomacy

Amidst the discussions of defection floating in the political winds of Uttarakhand, the meetings of the state office bearers and core group of Union Home Minister Shah were being considered very important. It was expected that in these meetings, Shah would clear the message to the organization leaders in the spirit of the central leadership regarding the dissatisfied MLAs for defection. But the meetings were postponed. The manner in which Shah invites Bahuguna, Maharaj, Harak, Umesh to the party office for a meal and dine with them is being seen as a lunch diplomacy. Political experts believe that Shah has also tried to give a special signal from the dining table.

Shah remembered, made sense of belonging : Harak
Cabinet Minister Dr. Harak Singh Rawat said that we had left after the core group meeting was postponed. But then got a call from the party office that you have been remembered by Amit Shah. Maharaj, Bahuguna and other companions reached the party office. Harak said that Amit Shah understands the spirit of Uttarakhand. He is a good strategist. They have the spirit to take everyone along. Whom to work with, whom to encourage. He understands the politics of Uttarakhand. He told me that we will talk further. Shah made a sense of belonging. Everybody’s excited.

Don’t bring political pollution to Uttarakhand : Bahuguna
Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna appealed to political parties not to bring political pollution. There should be no bitterness in politics. Bahuguna was interacting with media personnel at the state party office. During this, he said that BJP does not do election politics. Holds seminars and events for five years. Congress does election politics. There is no organization there. I request all political parties not to bring pollution. Everyone’s ideal is that the state should be good. Talk to each other, but there should not be animosity. Regarding the meeting of the core group, he said that the discussion took place over lunch. Two months programs are coming.