Maharashtra : In Mumbai Attack Martyr Hemant Karkare’s daughter Jui’s question- Papa went out wearing a bullet proof jacket, where did that jacket go?

The then ATS Chief of Maharashtra Hemant Karkare was martyred in the 26/11 terror attack. He was a victim of bullets from Pakistani terrorists. Now 13 years later, his daughter Jui Karkare has raised questions about Hemant’s bullet proof jacket. Jui has shared his father’s bravery, his motivation, patriotism and the difficulties after the Mumbai attack through Bhaskar.
“The date was November 20, 2008, it was morning. Mother’s normal phone call to know about her well-being. Then Thanksgiving week was going on in the US, which is celebrated on a large scale there. I told my mother that my sister-in-law from Chicago I am taking him for a tour of Boston. After that we went out for a walk. Meanwhile my sister got a call from Germany that Papa is going to a terrorist activity wearing a helmet and bullet proof jacket. I didn’t take it seriously I always thought Papa is a superhero, nothing can ever happen to him. He will save everyone.
I turned on the TV as soon as I got home. News was flashing on TV that Hemant Karkare was injured. I don’t think it’s too serious. At this point the news started flashing that Hemant Karkare was no more. I could not believe this news. I could not have imagined that such an accident would happen to my father. Then my husband got a call that I was coming home. Hearing his voice, I felt for the first time that it had happened.
Then my sister’s message came that ‘Papa Gele’ (Papa is no more.) I was absolutely shocked. When he called his mother, he came to know that the uncle had taken him to the hospital to show the dead body of his father. We wanted to come to India the same day, but could not come, there was a red alert at the airport. After two days we reached India. Papa’s pyre was burning in front. The media was questioning us children question on question. For the first time, we were facing the media and so many crowds.
The inventory at the time of the post-mortem had a lot of items, but the bulletproof jacket was missing. I was shocked how it happened. The mother became ill in response to this question. Many people used to come to the house, saying that we are with the Karkare family. We didn’t understand anything. The media and some NGOs followed these questions. Mother wanted to know where did the bullet proof jacket go?
Then Chidambaram had also apologized. We started worrying that the mother’s health should not fall. He could not sleep, but we were supported a lot by Vinita Kamte ji. Papa’s voice record also sent. When Papa said that call the army and circle the Cama Hospital. People were saying that Papa did not understand, but it is not so. Papa’s voice record is proof of this.
The media asked various questions to my 17-year-old brother. He had given fire to his father’s pyre. He was speechless that how could anyone ask such questions? For many days, officers and many people kept coming to the house continuously. My mother called the servants of the house and said that not a single person should go without tea and water. I was surprised to see my mother that who has lost her life partner, how can she think like this at such a time?
Mother took care of us, she used to say that the one who is born will go, but those who give their lives to save the country, they get the glory. This gave me a lot of strength. Papa was very serious. He believed that whoever has committed a crime must be punished, whoever it may be. He didn’t back down. However, the mother was worried. Any wife would be worried. When Papa was a diplomat in Vienna, there were many opportunities for him, but Papa had to come to his country then. He had to serve the country by joining the police.
Sometimes it used to come in mother’s mind that if we had stayed in Vienna, then it might not have happened today. Mother used to think that Papa’s job as ATS Chief is very risky, but Papa never felt like this. He had only one focus in life that he has to wear khaki so that I can serve the country. Some people don’t speak well of Papa. It hurts me.
Papa loved to read books. He used to forget what was happening around him while reading the book. Once he was studying in the library of Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur. Swamiji there closed the library on time. Papa was thin then, he could not see. It was night, in the dark, Grandma got scared as to where Papa had gone. She went out to find them. Dadi told Swamiji that you open your library, my son will be inside. On opening the lock, it was found that Papa was sitting there reading a book.
Then I was also going through a period of depression. I thought writing a book was the best way to overcome depression and pay tribute to my father. I started writing a book in the same year 2008, which was kind of therapy for me. As I continued to write, the pain of losing my father subsided. Writing kept me going. I myself got inspired by him.
I have two daughters. Isha and Rutja. Isha is 10 years old and Rutuja is 7 years old. I had a lot of trouble in the beginning. My parents left this world one after the other. I used to live in a lot of trouble, but while writing the book, I always used to think about what my father has taught me, that’s why I would like others to read this book too.
There are many chapters in this book. Like a chapter belongs to his colleagues. When Papa was a diplomat in Vienna, there was a cook named Raju. He had taken her to Vienna. He also has an interview in the book. People treat buddies and equals well, but he still remembers Cook Papa. Papa used to treat people of all classes equally.
Papa has always been saying since childhood that man’s hard work pays off. There is no luck. Man has to work hard. I want my father’s learning to reach other people as well. I have written in my book how hard police officers work. Play with dangers. People don’t even know.
Those who are public figures have their personal lives too. When I was ten years old, Papa’s posting was in the Naxalite area Chandrapur. He was the Superintendent of Police there. Security guards always accompanied me to school. I didn’t like the way my other friends played. I used to eat tiffin comfortably, but I always had a security guard with me. I was young, I didn’t understand why these people were always with me, but now I understand.
Growing up, I came to know that my father’s life was in danger, but he used to keep the atmosphere of the house happy. Do not let it affect the children how dangerous their jobs are. Papa always used to organize the party himself on my every birthday. Which music to play, to bring a magician, so that the children like it, what gift to bring for me. He used to choose all this very carefully.
Now I am also older, I work, now I wonder how he was so fond, when his job was so demanding, yet he used to do all this by taking time out. I remember that on my 16th birthday, my father gifted me a locket of Swarovski. Which was the lock and key. Papa wrote a message on the card for me, ‘Hope you will find the key to unlock your heart’s desire. You may not know, but the lock is also within you and the key is also within you.’
He was very artistic. I remember that in the beginning I went to a girl’s birthday once and I saw her father holding her hand and cutting the cake. Suddenly tears welled up in my eyes. I missed my father. Now I am happy to see my daughters, I celebrate their birthdays. Time is great healer. Papa’s schedule was very busy. His posting was always challenging. He used to throw himself into duty.
Mother had to be alone many times. When my brother was born, Papa had to join Chandrapur immediately. Papa did not care that their child was born. At that time, my sister took care of my mother and brother. Papa always used to come home late, mother was a teacher. He also had to get up early in the morning and go to school. Life was very tough, but they used to manage. Papa used to get very angry with the wasteful expenditure. For example, if the mother used to buy expensive clothes, then the father used to get angry that it would only suit the child of a film star.
When he was DCP Narcotics, he didn’t just think it necessary to catch drugs peddler but he used to inspire youth, you don’t come in this business. He used to go to schools with the NGO in uniform. Used to talk to the youth privately that it is necessary for children to come to school. Papa also used to send drug addicts to rehabilitation centers so that they could come out and lead a good life.
Papa was very fond of interior decoration. As Papa had diplomatic posting in Vienna, it was very important to entertain people in the house. He bought some Rajasthani dolls, rajrani, chess, they were very expensive, then mother said that it is not in the budget, on which father returned them all. Parents had control over each other.
Papa always used to tell me that you have such good books. You study in such a good school. My such budgie is the son of a farmer, when he used to take the cow for grazing, he used to sit there and prepare for UPSC. He has passed the civil services exam six-seven times. The real world is very different from what you have. People have nothing in the real world. Papa always reminded us never to take it lightly that you have everything. He was always thankful.
Papa wanted me to give civil services exam, but due to some reason I could not go in that line. I think I am lucky to be with such parents. Of course there is a void in my life. Like when my daughters’ grandfather comes, plays with them all day, does crafts. My husband says that his father has melted as grandfather. Whereas he himself used to be nervous to talk with him in his childhood. were very afraid. I miss that if my maternal grandfather was my father, how would he melt when he used to play with my daughters.
My questions about Papa are such that if questions are not asked, they will not be answered. The terrorists had modern weapons during the Mumbai attack. While the policemen had old weapons, they fought with them too. I remember that an officer at CST station moved his chair so that the terrorist could be distracted, but his rifle was not even firing. All this should change. Maybe things have changed too.
Papa used to say that scope lies in the person, not in the field… choose any field. Whatever you read, read with your mind, whatever you do, do it with your mind. Fall season in New England is beautiful when I see it. New leaves appear on the trees every year. Change is the cycle rule. Whoever comes has to go.”