If your income is more than 15 thousand, then you are not entitled to ration card in Uttarakhand

If the income of all the members of your family is more than 15 thousand, or any member of your family is in a government-private job or has AC installed in the house, then you are not eligible for cheap government ration. The government clarified the picture on Sunday on the eligibility for ration cards of Antyodaya and National Food Security Scheme. Due to the viral news about the standard of ration card on social media, there was a situation of uproar. On Sunday, Food Minister Rekha Arya gave detailed information about the standards of the state. The minister’s office also shared on social media the poster released by the Regional Food Officer of Doiwala on its social media page.
The Food Minister said that the standards are set for the eligible people of the state’s Antyodaya and NFSA and State Food Security Scheme. Those who do not fulfill the standards, surrender their ration cards by 31 May. After this FIR and recovery action will be taken.
Join the ineligible State Food Security Scheme: The Food Department has also advised the ineligible people to join the State Food Security Scheme, appealing to surrender the ration card. A senior official said that for the state food security scheme, the annual income should be less than Rs 5 lakh. If the income is more than 15 thousand rupees then the state can apply for the scheme.
These will be ineligible families
The family whose total income of all the members is more than 15 thousand rupees
Family should have four wheeler, air conditioner, tractor, truck, combine, JCB
Ex-servicemen and paramilitary, retired pension employees are also not eligible for cheap ration
If income tax is applicable on 02 hectares of irrigated land and annual income, then ineligible