Four alien civilizations present in Milky Way, sending messages in space is dangerous, Earth may be attacked: Research
There are about four malicious alien civilizations in the galaxy that can attack our planet. A researcher has claimed this. According to Vice, Alberto Caballero, a PhD student at the University of Vigo, Spain, has said that the source of the “WoW Signal” that first appeared in 1977 has been found. It was a strange explosion of radio energy, more than a minute long. Caballero has explained in detail that such explosions of radio waves were heard from the Ohio State University’s Large Sensitive Telescope, which lasted between one minute and 12 seconds. These signals had an alphanumeric code called WoW Signal. It is considered the best indication of its presence since 60 years ago when humans started searching for life outside the earth.
For many decades, researchers tried to read this signal and wanted to find its source. Now in his paper, Caballero claims to have read it. The paper is titled, “Estimating the Prevalence of Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations”- ) Caballero claims to have traced the source of this signal. They believe that this signal came from a sun-like star 1,800 light-years away from Earth.
Caballero’s research is being considered a “thought experiment”. The researcher says that the purpose of his paper is to alert other scientists and to number such civilizations that can probably respond to the signals sent to us.
In his research, Caballero calculated the number of times Earth has been invaded – including the wake signal. And then he applied it with the number of the Paragriha Galaxy. According to Caballero’s calculations, the number of civilizations that could invade Earth is about four. He has warned scientists against sending signals containing alien information. They fear that with this we can provoke aliens to attack.
However, according to the New York Post, the researcher has also calculated that the danger of the end of human civilization due to alien attack is as much as the danger of colliding with the Earth – asteroid. In his paper, Caballero wrote that such events occur once every 100 million years, so humans are likely to be completely safe for the time being.
He has also said that there is also a possibility that an alien civilization may have mastered the interstellar travel in the galaxy. At the same time, he said that as the society progresses, it does not want to get into controversy. They estimate that alien civilization will also behave the same way with technological development.
Caballero hopes that his research will start a discussion about whether sending messages into space is really dangerous. His research comes at a time when the US government is taking increasingly signs of alien life seriously, although there is no concrete evidence about this.