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Bihar / Begusarai : The groom got shot, insects saved his life, people said that God saves life like this

There is a saying ‘Jako Rakhe Saiyan, Mar Sake Na Koy’ which has also become true in Begusarai of Bihar. Actually, during a wedding here, the criminals shot at the groom, but you will not believe that due to an insect, his life was saved and the bullet went out as soon as it touched it. However, the groom got injured due to bullet injuries and was rushed to the hospital by the people. Most importantly, his life was saved. She was brought back from the hospital early in the morning, after which the bride was also bid farewell after the wedding rituals.

According to the information received, the procession had reached Begusarai’s Shripur on Monday night from Bela village in Khagaria district. During this the wedding rituals started properly. When the groom was taking blessings after the prayer, a worm came at the same time. To avoid the insect, the groom turned his neck to the other side. On the other hand, the miscreants had fired a bullet on his head which passed through his ear and went ahead. If the groom did not move his head even for a second, the bullet would have gone straight into his head, in which death was certain on the spot.

As soon as the bullet fired, the groom got injured and fell down. At the same time, there was a stir after hearing the news of firing on the groom. The people running away came to see the groom. During this, people admitted the injured groom to a nearby hospital, where he was discharged on Tuesday morning after treatment. After going home, her marriage rituals were completed and the girl was sent off. In such a situation, now questions are being raised as to who fired at the groom. Police say that action will be taken as per rules as soon as the information about the person who fired the bullet is received.