Due to the scorching heat, it became difficult to run the train here, railway signals are melting, the track is spreading

Have you ever heard that train signals are melting due to heat, railway tracks are spreading and roads are melting? but it’s true. This is happening. Even more surprising is that this is not happening in any hot region, but it is happening in Europe. The same Europe which is known for its heavy cold. The heat in Europe has made life difficult for people. Forests are on fire due to heatwave. In Spain and Portugal, 1,000 people have died. Talking about Britain, the temperature here is above 41 degrees. This temperature is expected to rise further.
659 people died in Portugal in 7 days
Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and Turkey are witnessing record-breaking heat. Due to the fire in the forests of Spain and France, the temperature is increasing further. In Portugal, 659 people have died in the last 7 days due to heat. In Britain, the heat has jammed the wheels of trains. Railway signals are melting due to heat and railway track is spreading. This has affected the movement of trains.
Bad condition of roads and airport
Not only the railway track, the condition of the roads and airport is also not good. Due to the heat, the asphalt has started melting on the roads. The runway of Luton Airport has also started melting. In view of this scorching heat, Britain’s National Rail Service has asked people to avoid traveling. According to the Ministry of Railways, the track temperature reaches 50 degrees, 60 degrees and even 70 degrees when the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.
Tourists not coming
Due to the scorching heat, people are not going to visit Europe. Earlier Europe used to attract a lot of tourists during the summer. But tourists are not coming due to heavy heat. Experts say that the mercury of Spain, France, Italy, UK may increase further in the coming days. Experts claim that if carbon emissions are not reduced, then the situation will get worse.