Hybrid terrorism became a challenge for security forces in Kashmir, Pakistan also made social media a weapon

Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief Dilbagh Singh on Friday said that faceless terrorism and educating youth through social media is a challenge in Kashmir. He also assured that the armed forces are ready to meet such challenges and will thwart the plans of “Pakistani agencies”. Singh said that whoever becomes a part of this faceless terrorism does not remain anonymous or anonymous for long and will be punished.
He said, “This faceless terrorism (hybrid terrorism) is a new strategic move invented by Pakistani agencies and their masters especially to kill innocent civilians. They want the sin to be committed, but the sinner should not be exposed. The good thing is that there is no place for the sinner to remain anonymous or hide his identity.”
He warned, “The sinners who became part of this faceless terrorism and underground module were exposed. Those involved in the killing of innocents were dealt with strictly and many of them were also eliminated in the operation.” ”
Dilbagh Singh said that terrorism affects everyone and hence attention is being given to it. The army will deal with it more strictly. “The police force is adequately equipped to counter this new strategy and other security forces are also providing all cooperation,” he said.
In May and the first two weeks of June, several people, including civilians, off-duty policemen and members of minority communities, were targeted and killed. Thereafter, the armed forces intensified anti-terrorist operations. Many terrorists were killed in one after the other encounters. Several youths were questioned by the security forces on suspicion of being grassroot activists of the terrorists. He was detained and arrested.
Dilbag Singh was speaking on the sidelines of a function in Anantnag district. He inaugurated a police station under women officers which would be for the South Kashmir range. He also accused Pakistan of seducing teenagers in Kashmir and manipulating them to join terrorist ranks through social media.
He said, “Pakistani agencies want to spread filth here and harm the youth and the society of Kashmir. They are doing this through social media, due to which Kashmir has suffered the most. They play with the minds of 16-17 year olds who have no idea about religion, culture or social norms.”
The police chief said social media has played a big role in “destroying the careers of youths” here and started their journey from life to death. “Even a good student is tricked into joining terrorist ranks through social media,” he said. “We know about these social media networks and their operators across the border and here. Operations against such networks will be further strengthened.