Uttarakhand / Uttarkashi : 90 lakhs spent, works not visible on the ground

The District Panchayat is once again in dispute regarding the works of about 90 lakhs of MLA fund. Even after getting the funds from the Chief Development Officer’s office, the District Panchayat is not giving information about the works being done on the ground. Now the office of the Chief Development Officer has issued recovery notices to six junior engineers of the district panchayat.
The Zilla Panchayat is in discussion regarding the SIT investigation. Now the MLAs till 2012-17 have once again come under controversy regarding the works of the fund. The District Panchayat is not giving clear information about the development works of about 90 lakhs to the office of the Chief Development Officer. More than 100 letters have been issued in this regard to the Zilla Panchayat from the office of the Chief Development Officer.
Now the Chief Development Officer has sent a letter to the District Magistrates of the respective districts, including the District Magistrate’s Office, Uttarkashi, to give recovery notice (RC) to the then six Junior Engineers of the District Panchayat. It is being told that work orders and funds were released to these junior engineers from the district panchayat, but these engineers have not been able to give information about what works were done with the said amount. Some of these junior engineers are now posted in other departments in other districts. 33 lakh is to be recovered on the maximum one junior engineer. Apart from this, recovery of 31 lakh to 1.5 lakh has to be done from the remaining junior engineers. Dialogue
The amount of 12 lakhs is not even known
The office of the Chief Development Officer has been informed about the non-starting of works amounting to Rs 12 lakh from the Zilla Panchayat, but it is being told that the said amount is also not in the account of the Zilla Panchayat. In such a situation, the question arises that when the work itself has not started, then the amount of 12 lakhs was said, or on what works was spent.
Political pressure to stop recovery
Despite the allocation of funds, political pressure is being created on the concerned officer for non-recovery on the junior engineers who do not perform the work. It is being told that many ministers including local MLAs have also asked the concerned department not to cut RC (Recovery Notice).
- More than 100 notices have been sent to all these junior engineers, but neither the information about the works is being given nor the amount is being refunded. Recovery notices have been issued on this.
- Mail not yet available. If the work is not done even after the allocation of funds, then recovery will be made.