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Uttarakhand : Congress’s allegation – BJP rigged in Haridwar Panchayat elections, will conduct satyagraha on October 10

Haridwar Panchayat elections have been completed and results have also come, but Congress is not satisfied with the election results. Congress has accused BJP of rigging in elections, use of money power, misuse of government machinery. Congress says that election results have been influenced through recounting at many places. Along with this, false cases have also been registered against Congress workers. In protest against this, Congress State President Karan Mahara will hold a Satyagraha on October 10 at Devpur intersection in front of the City Magistrate’s office in Haridwar.

Congress General Secretary Organization Vijay Saraswat says that from the appointment of reservation in the three-tier panchayat elections held in Haridwar district to the completion of the election process, the BJP rigged the elections on the basis of power, misused the government machinery and influenced the election results. Is. In such a situation, an inquiry committee should be constituted under the supervision of the High Court judge for a fair investigation of the matter. He told that Congress State President Karan Mahara is going to hold a Satyagraha in Haridwar on October 10 along with the workers regarding the matter.

It should be noted that Haridwar district in Uttarakhand is such, where Panchayat elections are not held along with the rest of the 12 districts of the state. This practice continues since the formation of the state. Between March and June last year, after the end of the tenure of the panchayats, they were handed over to the administrators. Now the Panchayat election has been done. When the voting took place on 26 September, the counting of votes took place on 28 September.