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Rajasthan / Jaipur : To remove silver rings, miscreants cut off the legs of a 108-year-old woman… Police engaged in investigation

In Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur, on Sunday morning, the miscreants robbed a 108-year-old woman’s leg and robbed her of silver rings. The injured elderly woman was admitted to the hospital by her daughter with the help of neighbors and informed the police. As soon as the information of the robbery incident was received, the Galtagate police station reached the spot and called the FSL team and collected evidence. Along with this, the police is also checking the CCTV footage installed in the surrounding. At the same time, the police have recovered the knife used in the incident.

According to the information, 108-year-old elderly woman Jamuna Devi lives with her daughter in Meena Colony Galtagate. At around 5.30 am on Sunday morning, the daughter of the elderly woman had gone to the temple to worship. From behind the daughter, the miscreants entered the house of the elderly woman and grabbed the old man and took him to the bathroom. Then after cutting off both the legs of the elderly woman and looting the silver string, the miscreants fled, leaving the elderly woman tormented.

Found out on the return of the daughter from the temple

At the same time, when the daughter of the elderly woman returned home after worshiping, she saw her mother in the house. When the mother was nowhere to be seen, the daughter looked in the bathroom, where Jamuna Devi was found suffering in pain in an injured state. When the daughter saw her mother’s legs cut off, she started crying. Neighbors arrived after hearing the screaming of the daughter. Jamuna Devi’s daughter, with the help of neighbors, admitted her injured mother to SMS Hospital and informed the police.

Sharp knife found by police

The Galta Gate police station reached the spot and inspected the spot closely on the information that the elderly woman was robbed of silver bars by cutting her legs. Along with this, the team of FSL was called on the spot and collected evidence. Apart from this, the footage of CCTV installed nearby was also scanned. The police have found a sharp knife at the crime scene. The police has started searching for the miscreants.