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Rajasthan / Nagaur: The doctor reprimanded the SDM who reached the hospital without a prescription, the SDM said – personal matter was over

In a government hospital in Nagaur district of Rajasthan, a case of fierce fighting between the doctor and the SDM has come to the fore. According to the information, Jayal SDM reached the emergency unit of JLN Hospital in Jayal on Saturday evening to see the doctor without a prescription, where things got worse when the doctor asked for a prescription. At the same time, there was a fierce fight between the SDM and the doctor. Let us tell you that the whole incident happened between Jayal SDM Sunil Siyag and Dr. Vijay Choudhary, where the doctor reprimanded them when the SDM arrived without a prescription. This video of doctor and SDM is becoming fiercely viral on social media. At the same time, after the incident, the SDM has refused to say anything on it.

Thing gone bad when asked for slip

In fact, the doctor asked the SDM for a prescription for treatment, on which according to the video, the SDM asked the doctor to bring the slip. After this, Dr. Vijay Chaudhary said that why should I bring it? Bring what you want to show, and on seeing it, things got worse. At the same time, according to the viral video, amidst the controversy, the doctor told the SDM that you SDM should be in your place, not on me. Meanwhile, the SDM told the doctor that don’t talk nonsense, after which the doctor said that, don’t talk nonsense, speak in a manner… how are you speaking. Chaudhary told the SDM that if you want to show here, you have to bring a slip, do whatever you want with you.

SDM said – personal matter

On the other hand, Jayal SDM said that it was a personal matter which was over at the same time. He told that he was ill yesterday, after which he went to the hospital where there was an argument due to some miss understanding. The SDM further said that I do not want to comment much in this matter now.