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Russia fired 75 missiles at Ukraine, this commander close to Putin changed his stand

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for the last 8 months, but now it has once again intensified. On Sunday, a major bridge connecting Crimea with Ukraine was attacked and blown up. Russia had called this attack a terrorist act and threatened to face the consequences. After this Russia has started directly attacking Ukraine’s capital Kyiv as well as cities like Lavrov, Kharkiv. 75 missiles have been fired from Russia and Ukrainian power stations have also been attacked. The attacks intensified after Vladimir Putin’s close aide General Sergei Surovikin was handed over the leadership of the Ukraine war.

In such a situation, everyone wants to know who Surovikin is and why Vladimir Putin has given him the responsibility of the Ukraine war. Earlier on Saturday, Vladimir Putin removed two senior Russian commanders. The reason behind this was given that Ukraine has launched aggressive attacks in many areas and Russia had to come on the back foot. In fact, Surovikin is said to be an expert in warfront and air strikes. That is why Vladimir Putin has given him this important responsibility. Born in 1966 in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Surovikin did a big job on the Syrian mission in 2017. He was responsible for the Russian military’s air strike mission there.

Surovikin is counted among the military officers who take tough decisions. Surovikin also had to go to prison twice. The reason for this was that in 1991, soldiers working under him shot and killed three people protesting in the streets of Moscow. Due to this he had to go to jail for 6 months. After this, he was also punished for illegal arms trade. However, he was later released. He was instrumental in carrying out the horrific bombing of the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Surovikin is considered an expert in air strikes

Race intervened in the civil war in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the attacks were carried out. Then he was discussed a lot and he was called the best military commander in Russia. The same Surovikin, who is recognized as an expert in air strikes, has now been given command by Putin and since then the attacks on Ukraine have intensified.