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The nurse who came out of the coma claimed that she had met God! Told the whole thing to the doctor

The more types of diseases are increasing, the more progress has been made in medical science and the treatment of almost all diseases is now possible. But sometimes some such miracles happen that do not reduce people’s trust in nature and God. A shocking case has come to light from America where a nurse has claimed that she has met God. Not only this, he also said that he has given proof of this to the doctor.

Put on oxygen support

Actually, this incident is from America. The Daily Star told in one of its reports that a nurse named Penny Witbrodt suddenly started having breathing problems and then became seriously ill. His family members admitted him to a big hospital. The doctors gave the answer after the investigation and then she went into a coma after that. He was put on oxygen support.

‘Met God in coma’

Meanwhile, one day suddenly she came out of coma. After coming out of coma, the nurse has claimed that she had met God after going into coma. Everyone was shocked at the woman’s claim. He said that his soul left his body before revealing itself and said that people on earth are bound in time. After this he met God. He first saw a shining light and then God appeared in front of him. God appeared before me.

Talked about difficulties and sorrows

The nurse claims that God told her that she spoke angrily to God about the difficulties and sorrows that she and her family had faced in their lives. God answered this and said that the sufferings in this world are rewarded in the hereafter and they experience peace. Not only this, he told that during the coma his grandmother’s spirit also suddenly appeared and reassured him by asking him to keep calm. According to the report, a surprising thing was that after coming back from coma, she became completely healthy and got up. He also said that he has given proof to the doctor that God had met him. However, it did not say what proof has been given.