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Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodi Yatra’ to reach 1000 km milestone on Saturday

The Bharat Jodi Yatra, which began on September 7, will reach a milestone on Saturday, covering a distance of 1000 km. The 3500 km journey will be a historic event for the Indian National Congress and will be the longest ever undertaken by an Indian in the history of the country.

The Bharat Jodi Yatra will reach this point on Saturday by reaching the outskirts of Bellary district

The energy level that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi displayed along the way surprised many co-marchers, including MLAs, MLCs, block and district Congress committees, workers, workers and support staff. He travelled to the three southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka, covering a distance of 25 km.

In Tamil Nadu, over one lakh people joined the Bharat Jodi Yatra, while in Kerala, it was close to 1.25 lakh, and in Karnataka, as of Friday, it was around 1.50 lakh people. It is estimated that there will be about two lakh people when they reach Andhra Pradesh

As part of his Bharat Jodi Yatra, during his foot in the backward localities of Badnavalu village in Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka, Rahul Gandhi inaugurated a path with colourful interlocking tiles connecting the Dalit quarters of the village to the Lingayat community. To send a message of harmony between communities, the name of ‘Bharat Jodo’ Road was renovated by INC within 48 hours. 

During his visit to Chitradurga, Gandhi met and interacted with several women from tribal communities. The women wore their traditional attire and also presented a dance in his honour

Gandhi also interacted with over 2000 unemployed youth from across Karnataka. He met them and inquired about their strengths and skills, the causes of their unemployment, and how they led their lives and supported their families. 

Despite lakhs of people joining the various phases scheduled in the two sessions — from 7 am to 11 am and 4 pm to 7 pm — Gandhi ensured that he met people from common walks of life—farmers, fishermen (both inland and marine), construction workers, teachers, village-level leaders and even some prominent people, author scholars and intellectuals during intermittent periods

Even before embarking on the yatra, Rahul Gandhi had asked his travel managers to arrange the Bharat Jodi Yatra in such a way that they could see the real India. Having met an entire section of society so far, those close to Rahul Gandhi feel that the purpose of the visit has been largely served