Snake seen in flying plane, passengers trembled, chaos ensued

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said in a statement that airport wildlife operations staff and Port Authority Police Department officers met United Flight 2038 at the gate and removed the “garter snake” and later released it into the wild. Gave. The statement further said that no one was injured and operations were not affected. In a statement, it said that the passengers alerted the crew on seeing the snake and thereafter the airline called the appropriate authorities to take care of the situation.
A snake suddenly appeared in the plane flying in the sky
The Washington Times reported citing local media in New Jersey, News 12 New Jersey that passengers flying business class suddenly saw a snake while the plane was taxiing after landing. According to the TV station, the passengers started screaming as soon as they saw the snake. After the snake was removed, the passengers were disembarked with their luggage, and the plane was thoroughly searched but no other snakes were found, the New York Post quoted Simple Flying as saying.
Common Garter Snake Found in Florida County
The Washington Times quoted the Florida Museum of Natural History as saying that the common garter snake is found in every Florida county and is not venomous or aggressive towards humans. Snakes, which are typically 18 to 26 inches long, tend to avoid direct contact with humans or pets and only bite when “deliberately manipulated.”
Snakes have come out in airplanes before
Garter snakes are also common in New Jersey, according to The Washington Times citing the “Snakes of New Jersey” pamphlet published by the state. Earlier in February, a similar incident happened on an AirAsia flight in Malaysia, when passengers found a snake while the plane was in the air.
Meanwhile, in 2016, a large snake — believed to be a venomous green viper — emerged from the overhead compartment of an Aeromexico flight in Mexico, according to The Washington Post. Video posted on Twitter showed a passenger hanging from the ceiling of the plane, which had received priority landing clearance upon arrival in Mexico City.