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SC refuses urgent hearing on application against cracker ban, says spend money on sweets

The festival of Diwali is near. In such a situation, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court challenging the complete ban on firecrackers in the capital Delhi. There was also a demand for urgent hearing on this petition, which was rejected by the Supreme Court on Thursday. Rejecting the demand, the Supreme Court has made a big comment. The court said that ‘let people breathe in clean and open air and buy sweets with their money’. It is worth noting that in Delhi, there is a ban on the sale and purchase of crackers and the use of fireworks. If caught violating this, provision has been made for a fine of Rs 200 and a jail term of 6 months.

Delhi High Court also refused to hear

Significantly, before the demand was rejected by the Supreme Court, on Thursday itself, the Delhi High Court also refused to hear a petition related to it. The decision given by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee was challenged in the petition filed in the Delhi High Court. While refusing to hear this petition, the Delhi High Court said that the issue is still sub-judice in the Supreme Court, so it cannot be heard. In the petition filed against DPCC, firecracker traders had said that the ban imposed by DPCC on September 14 is illegal and arbitrary. Their livelihood is being affected by the decision of DPCC. These traders had demanded that the High Court should allow them to sell green firecrackers.