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Uttarakhand : A month after Diwali, Old Diwali is celebrated here, the whole village is illuminated by lighting a torch

Today Diwali is celebrated all over the country. Everyone is celebrating this festival. However, there are some areas of Uttarakhand where Diwali will be celebrated after a month. In some areas, Diwali will be celebrated even after 11 days. There are many interesting stories behind celebrating Diwali after a month. Today we give you some interesting information about this unique Diwali of Uttarakhand. The celebration of Diwali will be celebrated after about a month in the Jaunsar Babar area, bordering Uttarakhand’s Himachal border. This means that uttarakhand budhi diwali will be celebrated in this area. Actually this is the tradition here that after 1 month of Diwali, old Diwali is celebrated here. About a month from now, Bhiruri festival of traditional old Diwali will be celebrated in different villages of Jaunsar Bawar. During this, all the women, men and children of the village will be happy in traditional costumes in the Panchayati courtyard of the village. On this occasion people will be given greenery, which people call ‘Golden Hariyali’ in the local dialect.

In Old Diwali, torches are made from Bhimal wood. Which is danced by burning. The custom of celebrating this Diwali is from the mythological times. There is no use of firecrackers, fireworks here. At night, all the men celebrate happiness by lighting the hola and performing folk dances in the Panchayati courtyard on the beat of Dhol-Damau Ransinge. Old Diwali of Uttarakhand has special significance. After celebrating the festival of Diwali today, if anyone wants to celebrate the festival of Diwali again, then they can celebrate old Diwali like these people of Uttarakhand bordering the Himachal border. This means that even after a month of celebrating Diwali today, Diwali would be being celebrated in one state of the country. Actually India is a country of unity in diversity. There are people from different religions as well as different cultures and languages, traditions. Everyone celebrates the festival in their own way. In the same way, the festival of Old Diwali in Uttarakhand is also one.

Eco Friendly Budhi Diwali:

  • In Budhi Diwali, a torch is made from Bhimal wood, which is lit and danced.
  • In the local language it is called Hola.
  • The specialty here is that the environment is not polluted during the old Diwali in Jaunsar Bawar.
  • The custom of celebrating eco-friendly Deepawali dates back to mythological times.
  • There is no use of firecrackers, fireworks here. That is why the village is illuminated with torches.
  • At night, all the men celebrate happiness by lighting the hola and performing folk dances in the Panchayati courtyard on the beat of Dhol-Damau Ransinge.
  • Singing and playing the songs of Diwali, they return to their homes.
  • The second night of Diwali is the new moon night, which is called Ratajaga.
  • In the Panchayat courtyard of the village, dancing and singing are enjoyed by lighting a bonfire.

Local people tell that there is a tradition of celebrating Budhi Deepawali exactly one month after Diwali celebrated in the country. He told that when Deepawali is celebrated in the country, at that time the work related to agriculture is more in rural areas. Under this, people celebrate Old Diwali with great enthusiasm after 1 month after completing their agricultural work. At the same time, another story related to this is told that people here got information about Lord Ram’s return to Ayodhya after a month. Then, expressing happiness, he made a torch of deodar and pine and lit it. He also did a lot of dancing and singing during this time. Since then the tradition of celebrating old Diwali started in these areas. Budhi Diwali is celebrated on the next new moon day of Diwali.