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Uttarakhand: Poisonous air, Haridwar-Dehradun has the highest pollution, read the figures, how polluted is the air in which city?

The climate in Uttarakhand has started deteriorating ahead of Diwali. It is a matter of concern that pollution has increased in two cities. The maximum pollution is in Haridwar and Dehradun. The air quality (AQI) level has reached 138 in Haridwar and 126 in Dehradun. These figures have come to the fore in the third party monitoring conducted by the Pollution Control Board before Diwali. Reaching moderate levels of AQI can cause difficulty in breathing in lung, respiratory, asthma and heart patients, children and the elderly. SP Subuddhi, Member Secretary, Pollution Control Board, said that before and after Diwali, third party monitoring is being done at seven places across the state. Surveillance has been started in Rishikesh, Haridwar, Kashipur, Rudrapur and Haldwani including Ghantaghar, Nehru Colony in Dehradun. All the regional officers were directed for this. The air quality is being monitored on PM-10, PM 2.5, SO2, NOx parameters to arrive at the Air Quality Index. The monitoring of noise pollution will be done one day before Diwali and one day after the readings will be taken from the sound level meter. whose average will be taken out.

This is the situation

Date Ghantaghar Doon Nehru Colony Doon Rishikesh Haridwar Kashipur Haldwani Rudrapur
17 October 115 102 95 108 105 102 Not known
18 October 118 104 96 117 106 100 102
19 October 119 107 94 129 108 103 104
20 October 114 106 98 134 114 106 108
21 October 126 118 106 138 109 99 105

Here is the standard of AQI

AQI Level
0-50 Good
51-100 Satisfactory
101-200 Medium
201-300 Bad
301-400 Extremely Bad
401-500 Serious

Problems with pollution
Respiratory and asthma specialist Dr. Anurag Aggarwal said that due to increasing pollution, children, pregnant women and heart patients including respiratory can have to face problems. Dimmable particles mixed with dust particles in the air and prolonged exposure to smoke can also cause cough, burning eyes, skin rashes and vomiting. The use of firecrackers will lead to more pollution.

This is the cause of pollution
According to Anoop Nautiyal, founder of SDC Foundation, vehicular pollution, construction activities, construction materials, dust on roads, burning of agricultural or crop residues, industrial and power plants, emissions, burning of municipal waste, thermal energy power plants, There is mining etc. in hilly areas. Monitoring is necessary on these.