Russia-Ukraine War: Bombardment of Russian missiles in Ukraine; Zelensky said – will take revenge for every atrocity
The effect of the attack before snowfall will be seen
Russia once again bombarded Ukraine’s energy plants with missiles on Thursday. Also carried out sharp attacks in the eastern part of Ukraine. These were the biggest offensive by Russian forces since leaving the city of Kherson last week. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that Russia will be punished for all its atrocities. The capital Kyiv, the second largest city Kharkiv, the port city of Odessa, the central Ukrainian cities of Dnipro and Zaporizhia were targeted in the latest missile attacks.
The attack took place when Kyiv received its first snowfall of the cold season. In a few days, there will be severe cold here. In such a situation, the shortage of electricity and water will increase the difficulties of the citizens. The attack occurred as Ukrainian engineers were restoring power to the system after repairing damage caused by previous attacks. The attack wounded 15 people in Dnipro, three in Kharkiv and one in Odesa.
Heavy damage to gas production plant
State energy company Naftogaz said a gas production plant in eastern Ukraine was heavily damaged and nearly destroyed in the attack. The United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs has predicted a terrible human tragedy in the cold weather in Ukraine. Said that tens of millions of people in Ukraine are deprived of electricity supply. Cold can prove fatal for many people. On Thursday, Russian and Ukrainian troops on both sides of the Dnipro River exchanged gunfire and fired at each other. The western bank of the river, which flows through Kherson province, is now under the control of the Ukrainian army, while the eastern bank is under the control of the Russian army.
63 bodies of civilians found in Khersan region
Ukrainian troops have found 63 bodies of civilians in the part of Kherson evacuated by the Russian army. According to the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, there are signs of vandalism on these bodies. It has been said that the Russian army has tortured and murdered innocent civilians. Russia has denied torturing civilians. After the occupation of Kherson city and its surrounding area by the Ukrainian army, now the people who had migrated there are returning and celebrating.