Man fell into sea, stood holding floating signal for 2 days, gave up hope of survival

A surprising incident has come to light from Brazil. Here a fisherman fell from his boat into the Atlantic Ocean. He was missing for two days. Even after this he escaped alive. Actually, the fisherman was alive for two days with the help of such a thing, knowing about which you will also be surprised. Please inform that the fisherman had been standing on a floating signal of two feet by two feet for two days. For two days she sat atop the signal and braved stormy sea waves.
The fisherman had no hope of survival
A video of this incident has surfaced. The fisherman has been rescued alive. During the rescue, a video of the fisherman sitting on top of the signal was made. Now this video is becoming increasingly viral. Let us tell you that on December 25, 43-year-old David went fishing alone with his boat. He landed his boat in the sea from Atafuna Beach. In the middle of the Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro, fierce sea waves arose that day and the fisherman fell into the sea when the boat wobbled.
MILAGRE: Um pescador foi encontrado à deriva pendurado em uma boia de sinalização no mar em São João da Barra, no Norte Rio de Janeiro. Deivid Soares, de 43 anos, ficou desparecido por dois dias e foi encontrado por um amigo, que também é pescador @sbtrio
— Diego Sangermano (@disangermano) December 27, 2022
After this the boat was swept away with the waves. Now the drowning of the fisherman was certain. When the fisherman went missing, the family members started the search. After about 2 days, the administration reached the fisherman. Telling the story of his struggle to a news website, David said that seeing the people who saved him, it felt like God had come. He told that after falling into the sea, he was repeatedly going towards the boat, but the waves were making him reverse. Slowly the boat drifted away from him. After this he surrendered himself to the strong waves. He kept swimming like this for about 4 hours, only then he saw a floating signal in the water. After this he somehow climbed over the signal and remained standing. He did not think that anyone would be able to find him. He thought he would freeze to death on top of the signal due to the cold.