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Bihar / Nalanda : First, the house was vacated after stealing more than Rs 10 lakh! Thief returned the goods after 16 days

In today’s world, if a person finds any goods or money lying on the road, he silently picks it up and moves on. Doesn’t even bother to ask anyone. At the same time, the case of returning the goods of a thief is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Thieves made away with goods worth more than Rs 10 lakh on December 13 in Bihar’s Naland district. Thieves who stole the colonel’s house changed their minds after 16 days and left the stolen goods back at the colonel’s house. The caretaker of the house found the goods kept in the sack.

‘Thieves left goods outside the house’

Giving information about the matter, Chandra Prasad (caretaker of the house) told that he was doing the work of cleaning the house on Thursday. When he came out while cleaning, he saw that a sack was kept at the door. When opened, TV and suitcase were kept in it. He informed about this to the owner of the house, Ravi Ranjan. The news of this exploit of thieves spread like fire in the whole locality. A crowd of people gathered at the colonel’s house. Later, the matter was informed to the police. The miscreants had carried out the theft incident on December 13, they entered the house with the help of the roof and broke the lock of 8 rooms. They ran away after clearing their hands on jewellery, TV and other valuables.

Whole incident captured in CCTV

The whole incident of keeping the goods after coming to the thief’s house was captured in CCTV. This is the whole case of Devisarai locality of Deepnagar police station area. The thieves had cleared their hands of goods worth lakhs of rupees in Ravi Ranjan’s house. The owner of the house, Ravi Ranjan, is working in Coimbatore as a colonel in the Indian Army. After the theft of lakhs of rupees, there was an atmosphere of panic among the people of the area.

Theft was done by breaking the lock of 8 rooms

In the matter of cleaning hands on goods worth more than 10 lakhs, the police have registered a case and started action, but have not got success so far. On the other hand, Sunil Kumar Jaiswal (SHO, Deepnagar) said that the police were continuously conducting raids in this matter. Due to fear, the thieves have kept some goods outside the house. It seems from this action that it is the handiwork of the people around. The police is probing the matter from every angle. Nearby CCTV footage is also being scanned. The matter of keeping back the belongings of the miscreants is also being probed. On the other hand, after seeing this act of thief, the local people are saying that what name should be given to this theft?