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Bihar: ‘Men don’t care, every day…’, what did Nitish say after giving birth to a child? BJP furious

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is on Samadhan Yatra from January 5. On Saturday, he reviewed the development works in Hajipur. Also addressed the program of Jeevika didis. During the dialogue of the Chief Minister, a video has been released on social media in which he is talking about the fertility rate. Leader of the Legislative Council Samrat Choudhary, while releasing this video on Saturday, attacked the CM and said that the indecent words used by Chief Minister Kushasan Kumar are the height of insensitivity. By using such words, he is tarnishing the dignity of the post of Chief Minister.

Attack on Chief Minister’s speech on fertility rate

Addressing the program of Jeevika Didis in Vaishali, Nitish Kumar is commenting on women and men to stop the fertility rate. In the video shared by Samrat Chowdhary on Twitter, the Chief Minister is saying that now the way men keep on adopting themselves everyday, but they do not keep in mind that they do not have to give birth to children everyday. If a woman is educated then she understands everything that brother how to avoid everything.

It doesn’t make any sense to men. Only women can save themselves about this. Only then the fertility rate can be controlled. Although the video has been shared for only a few seconds, it cannot be said that what the Chief Minister has said in full. Expressing anger over this, Samrat Chowdhary has said that he has used indecent language. With this language, he is tarnishing the dignity of the post of Chief Minister.

Chief Minister’s visit

Let us inform that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is on Samadhan Yatra from January 7. Sunday is the fourth day of his journey. He will reach Siwan and take stock of the development works. The opposition is constantly attacking him regarding his visit. Even while releasing this video, he attacked the Chief Minister. The CM took stock of the development works by meeting the public in Vaishali on Saturday. This yatra will continue till January 29.