Uttarakhand: Brainstorming in the government on increasing the use of Pirul, Chief Secretary Dr. SS Sandhu gave instructions to provide facilities from collection to transport

The exercise to increase the usefulness of Pirul in the state is fast. In this series, the government has been making continuous efforts to increase the use of Pirul in the state. In this direction, efforts have been made to encourage its use from livelihood generation to alternative fuel. While talking to the entrepreneurs, Chief Secretary Dr. SS Sandhu discussed the work to be done in this area. During this the use of Pirul and various products were discussed.
Pirul’s utility will increase
Pirul forests in the state sometimes prove to be very dangerous due to incidents of forest fire. Therefore, efforts have been made to increase its use and bring it into use through various experiments. It has also been worked on in the past especially to use it as a fuel. In this direction, the Chief Secretary interacted with all the entrepreneurs and also sought suggestions for better work in this field. After the conversation, the Chief Secretary directed the officers to create a corpus fund while ensuring arrangements for regular payment to self-help groups doing Pirul collection.
Self help group needs training
Not only this, while giving relief to the entrepreneurs, instructions have also been given to give subsidy of up to 70% on the GST paid by the entrepreneurs in 5 years. The problems of transportation of Pirul were also discussed. During this, it was also asked to reduce the transit fee in its transport. The Principal Secretary says that marketing and other arrangements for the briquettes-pellets used as fuel should also be ensured, so that people can get the benefit. During this, the Chief Secretary told the need to train self-help groups for this.