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Alert in Uttarakhand regarding H3N2 virus, DG Health gave instructions to all CMOs

In view of the danger of new influenza virus H3N2 in Uttarakhand, the Health Department has asked the Chief Medical Officers of all the districts to be vigilant. Uttarakhand DG Health Dr. Vinita Shah said that advisory was issued in January even before the onset of influenza virus, but once again all chief medical officers have been instructed to remain alert.

DG Health Dr. Vinita Shah said that if a patient has symptoms like common cold, then after being isolated, that patient should wear a mask adopting appropriate behavior. If any complications are found in such patients, they must immediately consult a doctor. He said that especially diabetes, hypertension and respiratory patients need to be extra careful.

DG Health Dr. Vinita Shah has also directed all the Chief Medical Officers of the districts to closely monitor the patients of influenza virus and also every patient should be entered in the IHIP portal. The CMOs of the districts have been instructed to maintain the availability of masks and medicines in the hospitals. Apart from this, he has also asked the health department to run an awareness campaign. So that people can become aware of the new virus of influenza.

Actually the health department is going to issue advisory regarding influenza virus. DG Health of Uttarakhand says that there is no need to panic with influenza. Because there is common influenza virus here. It is like a normal floor, but people need to be careful about it. If someone has the problem of cough, cold, fever and sore throat for a week, then they should immediately consult doctors and get themselves examined.