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Corona virus returned again in the country with H3N2 influenza virus! 524 new cases confirmed

The cases of corona infection have started increasing once again in the country. More than 500 new cases have been confirmed here in a day. People are reaching the hospital with complaints of cold and sore throat. On the one hand, cases of H3N2 influenza virus are seeing a boom. On the other hand, the increasing cases of corona remain a matter of concern for the government. Although people do not understand how they are getting infected with Corona.

Increasing cases of Corona

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 114 days have happened for the first time when more than 500 new infection cases have been seen in the country on Saturday. In the last 11 days, the seven-day average of corona cases has also doubled now. However, there has not been an increase in the death toll due to the infection. Please tell that 6 people have died in the last 7 days due to corona infection.

Confirmation of so many infected

This is the first time since November 18 last year that so many cases of corona infection have been reported in the country on a Saturday. After the confirmation of 524 new infection cases, 2,671 new cases have been registered in the last 7 days. According to the Ministry of Health, the rate of recovery from Kovid infection is 98.80 percent. And the death rate is 1.19 percent. However, there has not been any increase in the death toll.

Increased cases of H3N2 virus

Influenza H3N2 cases are witnessing a spurt in the country for the past few days. So far 2 deaths have been confirmed due to this infection. At the same time, the effect of this virus is being seen in Delhi NCR, Punjab and other states. People are being advised to avoid going in crowds and use masks. Also, wash and sanitize your hands from time to time.