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Uttarakhand: Bulldozer thundered in Dehradun, Dhami government’s strict action against encroachment

Many people are using government property for their profit, while many people are living on government property by making settlements illegally. Strict steps are being taken against such people for a long time and at the place of encroachment, the Dhami government is also running bulldozers on the lines of the UP government. The bulldozer of Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami government has started against encroachment in many cities. Now bulldozers have been started by the Dhami government in the capital Dehradun. Strict warnings have been given to the encroachers not to encroach again after the demolition otherwise strict action will be taken against them.

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Let us tell you that in the capital Dehradun too, a large number of encroachers are sitting on occupying government places. Most of these shopkeepers selling goods on the footpath were found to have moved their shops forward and set up shop on government property. Dehradun Municipal Corporation and the CPU removed the encroachments by going to the areas where such encroachers were sitting. Along with this, the goods kept on the footpath were also seized and during this period the Municipal Corporation issued 123 challans and collected a fine of around one lakh. With this, the Municipal Corporation issued challans against a total of 77 shopkeepers and collected a fine of Rs 80,000. On the other hand, District Magistrate Sonika has ordered that strict action will continue by the administration against encroachment and illegal construction in the coming times as well.