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Pakistan-born and famous writer Tariq Fatah died at the age of 73, was ill for a long time

Pakistan-born and famous writer Tariq Fatah passed away today after prolonged illness. His age was 73 years. Tariq Fateh’s daughter Natasha Fateh has given information about this by tweeting. Natasha Fateh wrote that her revolution will continue with all those who knew and loved her.

Natasha Fateh shared many pictures of her father Tariq Fateh on Twitter. Natasha also wrote, “Lion of Punjab, son of India, lover of Canada, true speaker, fighter for justice and voice of Dalits and oppressed Tariq Fateh passed away.” He continued his revolution with all those who loved him.

Born in Karachi, Pakistan
Tariq Fateh, a secular liberal activist, was born on 20 November 1949 in Karachi city of Pakistan. Here he studied biochemistry from Karachi University and then started journalism for a Pakistani TV channel. Fateh’s family had left Pakistan and settled first in Saudi Arabia and then in Canada. He wrote a book titled ‘Changing a Miraj: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State’, which later became very famous.

Tarif Fateh was in favor of homosexuals
Tariq Fateh was often in the news for speaking against the separatist culture of radical Indian and Pakistani Muslims. He also remained in controversies due to his statements on Islamic history and some traditions of Muslims. Interestingly, he was in favor of giving equal rights and interests to homosexuals.