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Uttarakhand: Mahendra Bhatt expressed grief over the death of Minister Chandan Ram, BJP postponed the party’s programs till 28

Expressing condolence on the death of Cabinet Minister Chandan Ram, State President Mahendra Bhatt termed it as an irreparable loss for the state and the BJP. He said, he was very popular because of his simple and calm nature and hard work. He was a strong voice of the backward and deprived sections of the society. His affection for the workers and his commitment towards the organization was incomparable. Paying homage to the departed soul, he has prayed to God to give strength to his family members and all well-wishers to bear the pain.

BJP has expressed deep condolences on the sudden demise of its senior leader and cabinet minister in Uttarakhand government, Chandan Ram Das. State General Secretary Aditya Kothari has informed that in this hour of mourning, all the programs of the party have been postponed for the next three days and a tribute meeting will be organized on 28th in all divisions and party headquarters.

Giving information, Kothari said that paying tribute to the late Chandan Ramdas, all the programs of the party in the state have been postponed for the next three days i.e. 26, 27, 28 April. On April 28, a tribute meeting will be organized at all divisional and state headquarters.