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Politics on Harish Rawat’s book “Uttarakhandiyat Mera Jeevan Lakshya”! BJP MLA including CM Dhami taunted

Before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat is again in discussion about one of his books. Actually Harish Rawat has written this book about Uttarakhand. Through this book, Harish Rawat has tried to depict all those things through writing which have happened in Uttarakhand. Be it political events or non-political events, politics has started heating up before the inauguration of this book by Harish Rawat.

Former Chief Minister Harish Rawat is a big face of the politics of Uttarakhand. If we talk about Congress, then the entire politics of Uttarakhand Congress revolves around Harish Rawat. This is the reason why Harish Rawat always remains in headlines, but these days Rawat is in discussions about one of his books. Actually Harish Rawat has written a book about Uttarakhandiyat named “My Life Goal Uttarakhandiyat”. Its Harish Rawat has put all the things from the formation of the state to the political developments till now in this book, but even before the inauguration of the book, politics has started happening.

Kishore Upadhyay took a pinch

Kishore Upadhyay, who was once a companion of Harish Rawat in Congress, has raised questions regarding this book of Harish Rawat. Although these days Kishore Upadhyay is the MLA of Tehri from BJP, but during the time when Kishore Upadhyay used to be the president of the Congress organization, Kishore Upadhyay had said many things to Harish Rawat regarding Uttarakhand. At that time Harish Rawat listened to him, but now Kishore Upadhyay has taken a dig at this book of Harish Rawat through a tweet.

Harish Rawat also taunted

However, Harish Rawat has taken a dig at this tweet by Kishore Upadhyay. They have to say that even today we have remained where we used to be before, but those who have raised questions are only doing penance now.

CM Dhami also took a pinch

The Chief Minister of the state has also taken a dig at this book by former Chief Minister Harish Rawat. CM Pushkar Singh Dhami says that Harish Rawat is a big leader of Uttarakhand and he keeps on doing such programmes, but the Uttarakhandiyat that Harish Rawat is now talking about, the people of the state have seen that during the elections. And Harish Rawat has got his answer in the election.

What things Harish Rawat has exposed in his book at this stage of age, it will be known only after the inauguration of the book, but it is clear that Harish Rawat wants to strengthen his politics through this book. That is, Harish Rawat is actively trying to contest the 2024 Lok Sabha elections as well.