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Uttar Pradesh: Here another child came out of the stomach of a 7-month-old child, surprised doctor said – very rare case

A unique case of another child developing in the stomach of a seven-month-old child has come to the fore in Sangam city Prayagraj. This is a very rare case in medical science. But the doctors of Sarojini Naidu Children’s Hospital of Motilal Nehru Government Medical College have operated the stomach of this seven-month-old child and removed the fetus of six months. After the embryo is removed, the child is completely healthy.

In fact, the stomach of the 7-month-old child of Praveen Shukla, a resident of Kunda Pratapgarh, was continuously bloating. For which his family members were very worried. The relatives showed the child to many doctors. Doctors earlier told that the child has a problem with urine, due to which the stomach is getting bloated. But when the child did not get any benefit, the family took the child to the Sarojini Naidu Children’s Hospital of the Medical College. The doctors at the Children’s Hospital got the baby’s ultrasound done and also got other tests done. Dr. D. Kumar, professor of the Department of Pediatrics, successfully performed a surgery on Friday and removed the dead fetus from the child’s stomach. Although the child is completely healthy after the surgery. According to the child’s father Praveen Shukla, a matching fetus has come out of the child’s stomach, which was semi-developed. Although hands, feet and hair were developing in the fetus.

On the other hand, according to Ziaur Rahman, the resident doctor who was involved in the child’s surgery, ultrasound examination of the child revealed that there was a foetus. The fetus was developing continuously, after which the doctors decided to remove the fetus by surgery. According to the doctor, such cases have come to light before, but this is a rare case. Because only about 200 cases have been reported in the whole world so far. The doctor claims that such children definitely have some or the other disease. But there is no other disease in this child. A fetus was developing inside its stomach, which has been cut and removed. According to the doctors, this is a subject of research for them as well, because only about 200 such cases have come to the fore in the whole world, out of which this case is also one. However, after the successful surgery of the child, the family members are looking very happy.