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Madhya Pradesh / Shivpuri: Theft of underwear for witchcraft! Suspicious villagers beat up elderly couple, fed them dirt

A shameful incident has come to light from Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh. Some people beat up an elderly couple in Silanagar village under Amola police station of the district. Not only this, those villagers behaved inhumanely and also fed the elderly couple with unclean food. Seven people have been arrested on the complaint of the victim.

The couple’s complaint was not heard

The negligence of the police has come to light in this matter, because first the elderly couple took the complaint to the police station, but no hearing was held there. After this, he came to the district headquarters and applied to the Superintendent of Police. On the instructions of the Superintendent of Police, the police investigated and after this a case was registered. Now FIR has been registered against seven people and the accused have been arrested under various sections and sent to jail.

Incident of 15th February, fed filth

It has been told that in the application given to the Superintendent of Police, an elderly couple of Silanagar village has alleged that seven people from the same village beat them up and fed them dirt on February 15. The accused committed this crime on suspicion of witchcraft. It is said that for the last few days, underwear of some people of the village was being stolen. Due to this, the elderly couple was suspected in the said case and the accused beat them up and fed them dirt.