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Uttar Pradesh / Moradabad: Farmer killed by slitting his throat, body thrown in sugarcane field, skeleton recovered after 14 days

Bilari Kotwali was recovered from Rustampur Special village to 14 days, the dead body of Ramvir Singh (52) was recovered in the farm. SP countryside and CO conduct information from the villagers by observing the spot. Ramvir Singh went to the farm with a bicycle from home at four o’clock in the evening. After this did not return. On February 13, Kisan’s son Vipin recorded disappearance in Kotwali. The relatives were constantly searching for relatives and acquaintances. On Monday, the resident of Kanobi village went to the rural sugarcane in Chandrabhan’s farm. Meanwhile, the sharp stinks from the farm. When the farmer and the villagers went inside and saw the dead body. Chandrabhan told the watchman Narottam about it. Kotwali Charge RP Singh reached the spot. He said that the body was in the street condition. Some part of the face had eaten wild animals. So not to be identified for a while. Later, the Superintendent of Police country, Sandeep Kumar Meena and Bilary Circle’s CO Rajesh Kumar also reached the spot. Forensic team and Dog Squared were also called. In addition to Kanobi on the information of the body, people of many villages reached the spot in addition to Kanobi. The police sent the body to post-mortem. On the information of the police, both the son of Ramvir reached Vipin and Pradyuman and other rural Kotwali with Rostampur’s Principal, Pradhan of Rustampur special. He recognized the goods, mobile, base cards and clothes found near the body. The family said that Rajveer did not have any hostility. According to the police, the case of murder is coming out in the postmortem report.