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Governor approves Uttarakhand Public and Private Property Damage Recovery Ordinance, 2024

Uttarakhand Governor Lieutenant General (Retired) Gurmeet Singh on Friday approved the ‘Uttarakhand Recovery of Damage to Public and Private Property Ordinance, 2024’, which provides for compensation for the damage caused to government and private property by the rioters. Gave it.With this, this ordinance has now taken the form of law. Soon the rules will be prepared and implemented in the state.

This ordinance was approved in the cabinet meeting held recently under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. Under this, one or more claims tribunals will be formed, whose decisions will not be challenged in any civil court.

Apart from the claim compensation, a minimum fine of Rs 8 lakh has been fixed for death in riots and protests and a minimum fine of Rs 2 lakh for injury, which is more than the Act applicable in Uttar Pradesh.

Earlier, the Government Property Defacement Act was in force in the state, in which there was a provision to complain to the DM. The ordinance provides for a claims tribunal, which will determine compensation for the loss caused in the incident. For this, he will also have the right to conduct investigation, assess the loss and appoint a claims commissioner. An estimator can also be appointed to help.

The Tribunal will have all the powers of a civil court. Under this law, compensation for loss of property will not be less than the market value.