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The mystery of 70 feet land subsidence in Bikaner has been revealed! Geological survey team arrived to know the secret

On April 16, about one and a half bigha of land had caved in Sahjarasar village of Lunkaransar tehsil of Bikaner. On April 24, the team of GSI i.e. Geological Survey of India reached the spot. The cause of land subsidence is being ascertained. On preliminary basis, the GSI team believes that once upon a time there might have been storage of water under this ground, due to which the ground became wet. Suddenly the ground caved in, but the real reason would be known only after a thorough investigation. The GSI team will stay for two days to find the cause of the land subsidence.

Delay in investigation due to elections

The team of Geological Survey of India arrived late due to Lok Sabha elections. SDM Rajendra Kumar is keeping an eye on the entire matter. Now the team of Geological Survey of India has come and is investigating this entire matter. The real reason behind land subsidence will be known. However, as a precaution, fencing has been done around the sunken land and police guard has also been deployed so that no untoward incident happens.

A 70 feet deep pit was formed in one and a half bigha land

Sahajrasar village is 25 kilometers away from Lunkaransar tehsil. On April 16, the ground suddenly caved in near a pond in Sahajrasar village, causing panic in the entire area. SDM Rajendra Kumar had imposed section 144. The movement of people was banned.

Local people consider it a natural disaster

Geologists from Bikaner had cited water logging as the reason for land subsidence, but the local people are not ready to accept this. They say that this area is a desert and has been like this for centuries. In such a situation, the question of accumulation of water under the ground does not arise. Some people are considering it a natural disaster, while many people are also calling it a divine wrath. Everyone has their own arguments. But the scientific reason will be known only after investigation.

Local social worker sent letter to PM Modi

Well-known social worker Shreyansh Baid of Lunkaransar had also sent a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding this matter. There was a demand for a scientific investigation. They say that this is a natural disaster. But, the reasons should be investigated, so that no accidents happen in future. Also, if any accident happens, people can protect themselves.

A sudden geological event surprised people

The incident of one and a half bigha land suddenly sinking 70 feet below became a matter of surprise for the people. People living nearby said that the area was struck by lightning many years ago. Villagers believe that due to this the soil started sinking every year. Due to this, people named this place as ‘Bijalgarh’. People said that they have informed the administration several times regarding the incident of land subsidence.