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Orry’s wedding, celebrities will not be invited, only these special guests will attend

Who does not know Orry alias Orhan Avatramani today? There are discussions about Ori all over the world. Today, Ori has made her mark in the whole world just by posing for photos with celebrities and taking selfies. Today Ori has become so famous that he has lakhs of fans. In such a situation, a big news has come out for his fans. Ori has made a shocking revelation about his marriage.

Actually, Ori had gone to participate in the podcast show of Bharti Singh and Harsh Limbachiyaa. In this show, Bharti and Harsh asked many interesting questions to Ori. Ori gave truthful and funny answers to all the questions. During this, Harsh and Bharti also questioned Ori about his marriage and asked when will he get married?

When will Ori get married?
While answering this question, he revealed the age of his marriage. Ori said that he will get married when he turns 33, 34 or 35 years old. Also in this podcast, Ori gave another surprising information. Ori told about the guests attending his wedding. He said that 500 guests are going to come to his wedding, out of which there will not be a single celebrity. Now let us know who these 500 guests are.

These 500 people will be guests
Ori told that earlier he had organized a party in which 500 of his fans had attended. Ori had given a T-shirt to all these fans and now only those people who have this T-shirt will be able to attend Ori’s wedding. Hearing this statement, Harsh and Bharti as well as their fans are shocked.