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India paid off Kargil’s debt! After Adani’s drone, explosives were given to Israel, America had cheated

America has dealt a blow to Israel, which is stuck in a war with Hamas. America has refused to give thousands of bombs to Israel just before the Rafah operation. Friend India has come forward to help Israel in its time of crisis. After supplying killer drones by Indian company Adani Defense, India’s government defense company Munitions India Limited has supplied explosives to Israel. Munitions India Limited had received permission to export explosives in January 2024. Now this Indian company has again asked for its permission. Actually, the defense relationship between India and Israel is decades old. During the Kargil war, Israel gave laser bombs to India which helped in destroying the bases of Pakistani soldiers.

India has supplied these explosives at a time when there is a demand across the world to stop the supply of arms to Israel in view of the ongoing violence in Gaza. According to The Wire report, an Indian government company has been allowed to supply explosives to Israel. This Munitions India Limited Company was established in the year 2021. This company produces, tests, researches and markets various types of explosives and ammunition which are used by the Army, Air Force and Para Military.

Adani Defense gave Hermes drone to Israel

Munitions India Limited Company works under the Ministry of Defense of India. Many analysts are criticizing India’s supply of explosives and say that it can be used in Gaza. Apart from this, Indian private company Premier Explosives Limited is also supplying explosives to Israel from the year 2021. Earlier, Adani Defense had exported the Indian-made killer drone Hermes of Israeli origin to Israel. It has been developed in collaboration with Israeli company Elbit System.

It is being told that these 20 killer Hermes 900 drones, made with the help of Israeli company Elbit System, were exported from India to Israel. This drone remains in the air for a long time and is capable of launching missile attacks on the enemy. Let us tell you that during the tenure of Modi government, relations between India and Israel have reached a new height. Since the start of the Gaza war between India and Israel, relations have been sometimes warm and sometimes soft. India did not support the resolution against Israel. At the same time, India has openly supported the proposal to recognize Palestine as a separate country. That too when Israel had opposed it. Israel wants India to declare Hamas as a terrorist organization but New Delhi has not yet accepted it.