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UN: United Nations expressed grief over the killing of former Indian Army officer in Gaza, blamed Israel

The United Nations expressed grief over the killing of a former Indian Army officer in Gaza and apologized to India. In fact, the former Indian Army officer was traveling in a car in Rafah, war-torn Gaza, on Monday morning, when his car was attacked from behind, killing the former military officer. Colonel Vaibhav Anil Kale (46 years old), who was killed in Rafah, had taken voluntary retirement from the army in the year 2022 and was currently working as a security coordination officer with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security.

Colonel Vaibhav Anil Kale retired from the Indian Army in the year 2022. According to media reports, Kale has commanded 11 Jammu and Kashmir Rifles in the Indian Army. This is the first case of death of an international employee associated with the United Nations since the Israel Hamas war began. A Jordanian woman, who was working with Kale with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security, was also injured in the attack. The UN staff was going to the European Hospital in Rafah in a vehicle bearing the UN symbol, when their vehicle was attacked.

Allegations of attack on Israeli army

It is believed that this attack was carried out by an Israeli army tank. Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson of United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, also expressed grief over the death of Vaibhav Anil Kale and praised India’s contribution. Haq said that a panel has been formed to investigate the incident. Initial investigation has revealed that it could be an attack by the Israeli army. Currently, 71 international UN employees are working in Gaza. Haq said that the attack was carried out by tanks and only the Israeli army has tanks in Rafah right now. In such a situation, it is believed that the Israeli army attacked the UN vehicle. More than 190 UN employees have been killed in Gaza so far, but this is the first case of the death of an international employee.

Foreign Ministry expressed grief

India has also expressed grief over the death of Colonel Vaibhav Anil Kale. The Indian Foreign Ministry said that along with our Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the missions in Tel Aviv and Ramallah have also started efforts to bring Kale’s body back to India. The Ministry said, ‘We are deeply saddened by the death of Colonel Vaibhav Anil Kale. We express our condolences to his family and relatives.’