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Rajasthan / Jaipur: Mobile took her life, mother hit her daughter on the head with a rod; The girl was preparing for competition exam

After a dispute over the use of mobile phone in Jaipur, the mother allegedly hit her daughter on the head with a rod, resulting in her death. During this time the woman also got injured. On receiving information about the incident, the police reached the spot and took the girl’s body into custody and kept it in the mortuary, while the injured woman was admitted to the hospital, where she is undergoing treatment.

Dispute between mother and daughter over hiding mobile phone

Police said that the incident took place in Mundiaramsar of Bindayaka police station area and a case of murder has been registered against the girl’s mother. Bindayaka police station officer Bhajanlal said that Brajesh Singh’s 22-year-old daughter Nikita Singh was preparing for competitive examinations and on Monday her mother Sita went to work hiding her mobile. There was a dispute between the mother and daughter over hiding the mobile phone and the matter reached a scuffle, after which the angry mother hit her daughter on the head with a rod. Bhajanlal said that Nikita became unconscious due to head injury and was taken to SMS Hospital where doctors declared her brought dead.

Tried to make the murder look like suicide

The mother tried to pass off the murder as suicide, but police investigation revealed that there was no mark of hanging on the neck of the body. Police found a saree and blood stains at the spot, making the case suspicious.

The police officer said, “Nikita used to spend more time on mobile. For this reason, his family members had snatched away his mobile phone about two and a half months ago. Police officer said, “We have registered a case of murder. No arrests have been made yet. “Further action will be taken as per the post-mortem report and investigation.”