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Uttarakhand / Tehri: Panic of Guldar, movement of Guldar creates panic among villagers

There has been terror of Guldar for the last few days in Balganga and Bhilangana ranges of Tehri. Movement of Guldar was seen late Thursday evening near the main market located at Ghansali in Bhilangana range. Whereas Guldar has also made two cows his prey. After which there is panic among the people.

Guldar’s terror in Tehri
On the other hand, in Mandara Kepars Karangaon of Basar Patti of Balganga range, there is fear of Guldar for the last several days. Regarding this, a patrolling team was sent to the spot by Range Officer Pradeep Chauhan and people were appealed to remain alert. At the same time, there is an atmosphere of fear among the people due to the sighting of Guldar near the bus stand in Nagar Panchayat Ghansali.

Guldars are coming to cities after increasing incidents of forest fire
Regarding the matter, Bhilangana Range Officer Ashish Nautiyal said that due to increasing incidents of forest fire in the last few days, wild animals have moved towards cities. Due to which the activity of Guldar is being seen here. The Forest Department team is continuously patrolling. Along with this, he has appealed to the common people to remain alert and aware.