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Uttarakhand: Haldwani’s famous millionaire contractor arrested, was absconding for a long time in check bounce case

This time’s big news is coming out from Haldwani. The city’s most famous millionaire contractor Dhananjay Giri has been arrested by the police and SOG team from Unchapul area of Haldwani.

Haldwani’s famous millionaire contractor Dhananjay arrested
Let us tell you that Dhananjay Giri was absconding for a long time in the check bounce case. After which the police was searching for Dhananjay. According to the information, Dhananjay had dealings with many white collar and officials of the city.

Was absconding for a long time in check bounce case
Dhananjay was arrested following strict instructions from Nainital SSP Prahlad Meena. According to police sources, the police will present Dhananjay in the court after some time. It is noteworthy that Dhananjay was committing fraud in the name of contracting for a long time.