Maharashtra: Famous IAS Pooja Khedkar accused of submitting fake disability certificate in UPSC, left medical examination 6 times but still became an officer
Maharashtra cadre IAS officer Puja Khedkar is once again in the news. This time IAS Puja is in the news due to her transfer.
Actually Puja is a 2023 IAS officer and hails from Ahmednagar. Recently, Puja Khedkar has been transferred from Pune to Washim. According to local media reports, she is accused of misusing her position and after this she has been transferred. Puja has been in the news for many reasons before this as well. She was accused of demanding VIP number, house and car while working as a trainee. After this she came into the news.
Allegations of submitting fake disability certificate
Along with her old controversies, now sensational allegations of submitting fake certificate have also been leveled against Puja Khedkar. According to a report by AAJ TAK, the disability certificate that Puja submitted to UPSC during the IAS exam is under question. Actually, Puja got 821st rank in UPSC. In an affidavit given to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), she has stated that she is mentally challenged and also has difficulty in seeing.
Got appointment without appearing in medical
According to the report of NDTV, Pooja had refused to take the medical test 6 times. It is necessary to give medical test. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Pooja’s first medical test was scheduled in Delhi AIIMS in April 2022. She refused to appear in it citing being Kovid positive. Here she had to undergo MRI and some other tests were also to be done.
Later she submitted an MRI report to UPSC. On the basis of that, she was considered Divyang. However, it is not clear that when Pooja had refused to appear in the medical, then why and how did she get selected? At the same time, questions are also being raised about her OBC certificate.
Demanded cabin during probation
Actually Pooja Khedkar (IAS Puja Khedkar) was posted on probation as Assistant Collector in Pune. According to the rules, she was given facilities but during the probation itself, she started demanding a car with VIP number, house and luxury car. She asked her subordinate officers to arrange for it. Not only this, Puja also demanded a separate cabin for herself. As per the rules, an officer on probation does not get these facilities. It is said that when her demand was not met, she occupied the room of the Additional Collector.
Got a light installed on the car, also got this written
Puja Khedkar has been in the news for many of her other works. One of these is getting a red and blue light installed on her private vehicle. Actually, as per the rules, officers on probation cannot install such lights on their vehicles, but Puja bypassed the rules and got a red and blue light installed on her private vehicle and also shared its pictures.
Allegations of misuse of position
Allegations of misuse of position have been leveled against Puja from the beginning. This is the reason why she often remains in discussions. After joining, Pooja started misusing her position and started making various demands which is not possible for a trainee IAS officer. After this, she was transferred from Pune to Washim district of Maharashtra.
Opposition leaders raised questions
While Pooja Khedkar is in controversies, the opposition has now started raising questions on the government as well. Opposition leaders have asked the government that how can an officer who comes during probation get appointment in his home district.