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Babies can be born not in a woman’s womb but in a plastic bag! Scientists have done a miracle

Provides oxygen and nutrients to the developing foetus. In the picture, it can be seen that an experimental artificial womb is being tested to support lambs.

The main use of artificial uterus is to support premature babies, who in most cases do not survive. In tests, researchers have shown that premature lambs placed in artificial uterus not only survived, but also gained weight and their hair also grew. Although most people are skeptical about this technology, the Gen Z generation is ready to adopt it with an open heart. According to a survey, 42% of youth aged 18 to 24 said that they are in favor of ‘developing the fetus outside the woman’s body’. This survey was conducted by the think tank ‘Theos’, in which 2,292 people were asked for their views. The results of the survey show that most people are against this technique, except in cases where it can save the life of the mother or child.

Some people believe that this technique can be a revolutionary step for women, which can free them from the physical and emotional burden of pregnancy. But some critics say that this technique can become a ‘threat to women’s existence’. Let us tell you that in a normal pregnancy, the fetus develops in the mother’s womb for 37 to 40 weeks. During this time, the child’s lungs are filled with amniotic fluid and it gets oxygen and nutrients through the mother’s placenta. The purpose of the artificial uterus is to repeat all these processes in a technical way, where the child will be kept in a bag and will be given nutrients through an artificial placenta. This process is called ‘Ectogenesis’, which means the development of an organism outside the body.

However, this technique is not possible right now, but in future it can replace the mother’s uterus. According to the survey, only 21% people were in favor of this idea, while 52% were against it. The idea got less support among religious people and women were less in favor of the use of artificial uterus than men. Chin McDonald, director of Theos, says that people attach deep importance to the experience of pregnancy and birth and are against technological interference in this process except in life-saving situations. However, the Gen Z generation is excited about this technology. 42% of the youth said that they are in favor of the use of artificial uterus, while only 32% opposed it. The main purpose of the artificial uterus is to save the lives of premature babies. Researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have successfully tested this technology on lambs. They believe that this technology can increase the chances of survival of premature babies and reduce the risk to the mother.