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… then people will have intimate relations with male or female robots of their choice and will marry them

Will humanoid robots replace romantic relationships, human emotions or husband and wife? Practically, there are thousands of reasons to deny it. But scientists are busy proving this to be true. They say that in the next 20 years, people will form intimate relationships and marry a female or male robot of their choice.

Dr. David Levy, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, has said in his research that by the year 2050, Massachusetts will be the first state to legalize marriage between humans and robots. In his thesis ‘Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners’, Levy has written that robots will become exactly like humans in appearance, work and personality. In such a situation, people will start loving them, people will not even refrain from having spiritual and physical relationships with them (Intimate Relationship With Robots).

According to Levy, humans are rapidly attracted towards beautiful body, knowledge and personality and all this can be programmed in humanoid robots. Psychologists have identified about a dozen such basic reasons which can be applied to the relationship between humans and robots.

Humans are unusual creatures… anything is possible

Roboticist Ronald Arkin at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta says that we do not think that human-robot marriage will be legal anywhere by 2050. However, he says that ‘humans are very unusual creatures, they can do anything at any time. As soon as two-four educated and high-ranking people do this, the process of marriage with male or female robots can start.’

Arguments in favor of human-robot relationships

According to scientists, male or female robots will be available for service without leave. People can program their dream girl according to their need. Robot husband or wife will not be sick or old. If you get bored of the robot as a lover-girlfriend, you can get another face designed.

Arguments against human-robot relationships

Sociologists are not in favor of the relationship between robots and humans. They say that machines can never be human. How can the intimacy that exists between husband-wife and children in a family come from robots? Robots can make the life of those who are not married a little easier, but they can hardly provide family happiness. Science challenges the universe every time and gets deceived again and again.

Work is being done on artificial womb in female robots

A company named Boston Dynamics is designing the best and most intelligent humanoids robots. The scientists of the company are engaged in developing artificial womb like IVF in female robots. They are developing artificial uterus like a real uterus. In this, experiments are being done on various types of hormones along with body temperature.

Increased dependence on robots in America and Japan

Humanoids AI robots are doing farming, work in factories, building houses, cooking, sweeping and mopping houses, teaching children and even entertainment. In China and Japan, nurse robots take care of patients in hospitals. The way robots are increasing their interference in human relations, nothing is impossible.