Bhumika Bansal
Every country in this world has gone through a revolutionary phase leading to disruption in traditional methods of working so has India. India was not as much damaged economically as socially people were subdivided and tagged into working groups. The seeds of social quality were so rotten that the harvest now is useless and troublesome. Social upliftment is neccassary in india to enhance both economy and social life. India has been primarily facing problems regarding poverty, education and lack of women empowerment.
The status of women in medieval period was less. Mughals introduce many rules for social evils and practices like purdah system, child marriages, sati etc. but with the advent of British and during their ruling period, the status of women improved to a significant extent. Many social worker like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishvar Chandra Vidhyasagar worked for the upliftment of the women and evil practices like sati were stopped and widow remarriage started. However, the immediate of women immediate post independent were not constitutionals rights but political reality. The constitution of India guaranteed equal protection of the law, equal opportunities in public, prohibited discrimination in public places.
The two supreme value of Gandhi were truth and non- violence. One of his greatest insights was to understand that violence was linked to poverty and injustice, structural violence we call it. Two important principles for Gandhi was:
Sarvodaya ( the welfare of all) and anthodia ( the welfare of the least) does saramango wants to stop the world so that humanity can find better balance between rich and poor . “we should be able to” he says, “to find the courage to say that the stage of development we have already in the west is good enough for us. “ Both Gandhi and sarmango would have show us concern for those at the bottom of the pile: the homeless, the asylum seekers, the refugees, the deprived. India accounts for a third of the year. Worlds par, the world bank said earlier this year. While the Indian government has spreadheard a no. of programs to alienate poverty, a chunk of the country’s billion people. Are still chronically malnutrition. We have the best programs on paper, but fail miserably on delivery and implementation. Says, DK Joshi, chief economist of CRISIL, Mumbai.
The system of education which has developed during vedic period is termed as the vedic system of education. The administration and organization of education remained almost the same thought the vedic period, but with time, its circular and teaching methods underwent a change. After independence government tried to spread education as fast as possible. Initially women were denied education and were used to remain in background. Later women were encouraged to study. Government make plan to provide free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14. But this cpould not achieved yet.
When the Mind Is Set Without Fear,
When The Heart Speaks Without We,
When the Heart Is Free From Dirt,
When Knowledge Earns Without Waste,
When The Hatred Dies Without Worse,
When The Love Lives Without Trouble,
When The Freedom Showers Without Crush,
When The Nature Hugs Without anger,
When The Heaven Throws Its Blessings,
Without Limit,
When The Country March Forward To,
The Freedom,
Let My Country Awke!