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Uttarakhand : Government should start Chardham Yatra: Pandit Adheer Kaushik

Haridwar : President of Shri Akhand Parshuram Akhara, Pandit Adheer Kaushik said that the economy of Uttarakhand is completely based on religious tourism. Lakhs of people from all over the world come to Uttarakhand on Chardham Yatra. Due to which the business gets momentum in the state. The government receives huge amount of revenue. But due to the suspension of Chardham Yatra for two consecutive years, the traders are facing huge financial loss. Hotels, travel businessmen, taxi drivers associated with travel business are in deep financial trouble. People are also facing difficulties in running the household expenses. Maths, temples, akhadas etc. are also dependent on donations received from devout travelers. But due to strict restrictions, monasteries, temples, akhadas are also facing financial crisis due to non-commission of passengers. Pandit Adheer Kaushik said that the government should do the situation regarding Chardham Yatra. Keeping in view the interest of the citizens of the state, the Chardham Yatra should be started following the rules of COVID. Economic activities have come to a complete standstill since last year due to Corona. Traders are facing recession. It is also becoming difficult for the traders and common people to run the daily expenses of the house. Therefore, following the Government should start Chardham Yatra: Pandit Adheer Kaushik COVID rules, the government should allow the devotees to come on the Chardham Yatra. Due to which business will run and the government will also get revenue.